Sal Gismondi mother of Matheo (6 years) and Benji (10 years)

“Jamie is an extremely passionate and dedicated coach that manages to connect with and get the best out of each and every child he trains. His high level of knowledge and experience is evident at all times, as is his positive energy and professionalism. it is so wonderful to see all of his team members having such great fun whilst improving their skills”

Kate Watson player

“Jamie genuinely cared and really wanted myself and the team to develop holistically as people and players. he took time to ensure that each player loved playing football and grew technically through the season. his session plans and game day commitment was astonishing, he made training and games such a blast to be playing and was amazingly specific and kind when giving technical feedback. my parents were very invested in my football, and they’ve never loved a coach as much as they did jamie. he supported my individual football through one-on-one sessions which seriously changed the footballer I was and how i played. i learnt things i couldn’t have achieved without him. I was going to stop playing football before the first season I had him as a coach, but he helped me fall in love with the game again.he really showed me how to be a confident and creative player, providing me with incredible footballing assets i am beyond grateful for”

Alana O’Connell mother Rocky (2 years), Lillie (4 years) and Huey (8 years)

“we are loving the palms kickers program. my three children are all playing, my youngest age 2 and 4 have really surprised me in their willingness to participate each week and their excitement for our monday soccer sessions. my kids are becoming more confident each week. jamie is amazing with the kids, supporting them to develop soccer skills but also socially and emotionally. we highly recommend palms kickers programs”

Alex Partridge former player

“as well as being a technically smart player and coach, jamie also had a way of bringing the players together with banter and strong team culture which was an invaluable asset for the squad. he was able to take control of trainings and games and leD the way with his passion for the game.”

Hannah Wallace mother Sid (5 years) and Cliff (7 years)

“Jamie coached my eldest son in his first season of soccer and now in the skill development program and my youngest son is now doing his first year of soccer with palms kickers. jamie has helped both boys understand the game and build not just their ball skills but their confidence. my eldest went from someone not even wanting to run on the field in his first game to loving soccer every week and practising at home the ball skills jamie is teaching him in the skills program. the junior palmys program that my youngest son is currently doing has been the best introduction to team sports, he has made friends and cannot wait for his first season to start.”

Kate McDonnell mother Beau (6 years)

“Jamie is a natural coach. he is extremely organised, dedicated and is a firm and fair leader. he has a passion for soccer whih rubs off on the kids who are lucky to be coached by him. my son always comes away from each session practising new skills and pumped to play soccer again.”

Beau MacDonald player (6 years)

“I like how coach jamie does the soccer games because they’re fun to play. he puts us in really good groups and he’s really funny and happy.”

Courtney Alcock mother Lennox (3 yrs) and Jackson (2 yrs)

“Palms kickers has been great for our little ones! our boys are both in the program and absolutely love it. their confidence, ball skills, social skills and response to direction have improved so much since the term started. coach jamie is great with the kids and really tailors the program to their development. as a parent, its also such a great and fun activity to be part of, even if just from the sidelines. i’d highly recommend!”